It has certainly been a very chaotic few weeks here and around the world. From the Middle East to Japan, to snow in Tucson, life seems to be shaking. As a family we continue towards our goal of moving to Chapel Hill in June. We launched the 30/20 club on Facebook yesterday as we seek 30 partners to join with us at $20/month. This would complete our budget and allow us to begin ministering at UNC full time. If anyone knows someone whom they might refer us to, we would be happy to meet with them and share in person more of what God is doing in North Carolina at the nation's oldest public university.
We have purchased a trailer for the move and started packing boxes, creating a small amount of good chaos around our house. Joe returned from a fruitful fund raising trip to North Carolina on Feb 10th only to fall ill with pneumonia for two weeks.
The boys are getting VERY tall. Josiah just finished his football season with the Steelers and did very well. Elijah continues to develop his personality. Translation: He is loud and full of energy. We celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary on March 7th with a sushi dinner. Amazing how fast time goes when you're in love.

Our shipment of personal items from South Africa has cleared customs in New York, and is headed overland to North Carolina. Step by step we are getting closer. Josiah finishes first grade on May 26th. It is our goal to move soon thereafter.