Making a difference?
Chi Alpha - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“I got healing from freshman year. I was confused and wounded. Through Chi Alpha He (God) grabbed my attention.”

“In Chi Alpha God is stretching me until I’m about to break, and then molding me.”
“I wouldn’t have made it through college without Chi Alpha. The major difference with XA is the intimacy. It’s made me stronger.”
XA Students, staff head to Rwanda, Liberia, Mali, India
“Every student prays, every student gives, every student goes” has been the mantra of Chi Alpha for years. This year our students have given even above their means to see others go and share the gospel. They not only gave generously financially, but they gave of themselves. Three of our students joined missionaries Glen & Karen Smith in Mali over Spring Break to reach out to local schools and the street children known as the Garibu boys. In addition, XA-UNC students spread the word in Liberia and Rwanda. This August one of our staff members will travel to India for a two-week mission.
Boys going to the same school
This year Josiah and Elijah will attend the same school for the first time. Josiah is headed into the 5th grade after receiving an award for academic excellence. Elijah (right) just graduated from pre-K and will enter kindergarten at Pearsontown Elementary later this month. Both are very active. Josiah will begin his fourth year of football on August 1st. Elijah will be starting gymnastics this Fall.
Josiah at the beach this summer. He'll turn 11 in November |
Elijah just "graduated from pre-K. He turned 5 in May. |
Blending together a family of seven
As some of you know, we expanded our family on May 31st of this year to include three amazing souls. God placed on our hearts many years ago the desire to adopt. After many starts and stops we became licensed foster-to-adopt parents in December of 2012. And after much prayer and searching we were matched and blessed with two more boys and a daughter. This continues to present many challenges to all of us. But we are proud to be their parents, as well as to Josiah & Elijah. In case you are wondering, here are their ages: Lazavia 13, Kyron 11, Josiah 10, Myon 9, Elijah 5. (We are not able at this time to post photos or full names of the children)
How to partner financially with us
There are multiple ways that you can partner with us at UNC. You can give monthly, once-off, annually, by check or by credit card. Below is the address for sending in a check, as well as the online link for pledging and giving. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Thank you for prayerfully considering partnering with us financially.
By check: Make out to “US Missions” & put 292733-3 on memo line. Send to US Missions, 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802. Online:
It has been many years since we’ve found ourselves in an underfunded status. At present we are in need of additional monthly support ($750/month), as well as cash offerings to bolster our outreaches and lean months.
God is doing a deep work amongst us at the nation’s oldest public university. We are very grateful to all of you for your continued partnership in this mission.
It has, however, become critical that we raise the funds we lack in order to remain on campus and not have to leave to raise funds full time.
How you can help:
Recommend us to friends
Pray for provision
Invites to services (We have openings July, September, October, November & December)