Joe, Mishael & Josiah Newell SouthAfrica
Millions of children find hope in Jesus
Education departments adopt program for students Schools endorse programs

Peace and excitement have taken hold as we begin our furlough rejoicing with the Book of Hope team in Southern Africa. This past year more than two million children and youth were reached out to across the region with the gospel in the form of the Book of Hope.
Workers in Angola, South Africa, Mozambique, Botswana, Swaziland, and Namibia continue to labor through unique and changing avenues.
Godman film showings in rural areas, to life skills programs, and outreaches, partnerships with local churches are ensuring that hope invades and reigns in the enemy’s territory.
Education departments in four provinces of South Africa have asked Book of Hope to engage all of their students and train its teachers to take the students through the program.
The program teaches decision-making and other life skills based on the life of Christ.
Volunteers continue to make, daily sacrifices in order to see this generation reached. Since 2001, when we first started praying about going to South Africa, it was in our hearts to establish the ministry in such a way that when we were not present it would run without us, and that it would be self-sustaining financially.
Through God’s provision in the form of strong national leadership and generous donors, the ministry is headed towards its biggest year ever, targeting over four million children in 2008..
Muslims tested on JesusIn one heavily
muslim area near Cape Town, we took a mid-day break at a local grocery store with a team from California.

Passing through the checkout, a
muslim mother asked why we were there. A quiet explanation and her eyes came alive as she explained how she and her friend had made their children read the Book of Hope cover to cover and quizzed them on the book before the children returned to school the next day.
The Word came alive to that
muslim family because of your faithful partnering.
“Now finish the work, so that your eager willingness to do it may be matched by your completion of it, according to your means.” 2 Cor 8:11
Nomads cross the Kalahari Desert
This past Fall, BOH Nomad interns crossed the desolate Kalahari desert to reach d
eep into Namibia with the gospel, sleeping in tents and battling the elements to bring a message of hope to the people of that great nation. The team spent more than a full week in the Land Rover traveling from ministry point to ministry point. Nomads, and their Response Team leaders, fill a vital role in reaching every child. They not only train a never-ending flow of local church volunteers, they witness in places where there is no church. Nomads go to places where nobody else goes. Sometimes “every child” exists on the other side of the distorted heat waves emanating from the desert floor. May we all be Nomadic enough to pass through those barriers that others dare not cross.
“From Jo’burg to Moscow, we’ve partnered with you in reaching a generation with the Book of Hope in more than 38 countries.”
Time for a furlough . . .in the desertAs with any departure and arrival there is a strong mix of emotions, having to leave those you love for those you love.
We have officially begun our furlough here in Arizona. We will spend our weekends, and some weekdays, traveling to different churches to encourage, update, and thank the many different congregations and friends.
As we travel and share, it is with a grateful and heavy heart.

Beginning this furlough cycle we have officially resigned from our position with Book of Hope as the Southern Africa directors.
After nine years--the past five in South Africa--of serving around the world reaching children and youth with the Book of Hope, we feel like God is leading in a new direction. Our resignation with Book of Hope in no way affects our status as Assembly of God World Missions missionaries. We continue to serve as
AGWM missionaries as we have for the past 13 years (Joe) and 18 years(
Despite stepping away from Book of Hope, our plans are to continue ministering to the next generation, most likely with young adults. Where and what our new assignment will loo

k like, we are unsure of at this time.
We are continuing to seek God’s leading through this transition. As we seek this new direction, we ask for your continued prayers and support. Ministering through the Book of Hope has taken us around the world. From Johannesburg to Moscow, to Guatemala City we have been blessed to partner with you in reaching a generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ in more than 38 countries.
We have been blessed to be a part of such an endeavor, and wish our friends and colleagues at Book of Hope all God’s best.
As we itinerate and speak at churches we are sharing what God has been doing in us and through us these past 5 years in South and Southern Africa. It has been an exciting journey; and we have so much to share as we continue to challenge the churches in missions. Our transition in no way hinders our speaking in churches. If you would like us to come to your church just contact us or your pastor. We also have put our calender of speaking engagements on this blog. Please take a look at the schedule. If we are in your area we would love to get together with you.
Josiah is growing and adapting to American life very well (much better than mom and dad). Since we arrived he has experienced many things from fire trucks, horses, snow
, Home Depot crafts for kids, and Nana & Pap's activity land with all sorts of toys. He is in preschool and loving it. He has made new friends, and has enjo
yed very much getting to know all of his cousins. Like many children his age, Siah is growing by leaps and bounds--literally. Last month he grew 1/2 inch. That's six inches a year at that rate! He is doing very well in art, writing and his new found passion swimming. After getting stuck i n snowstorm in the White Mountains we learned that he enjoys throwing and eating snow very much. Thanks to his cousins Mac and Dawson he has become quite the Nascar fan, especially #48 Jimmy Johnson (see picture). He prays regularly for many of you and loves to tease his grandmothers.

AGWM is raising our budget. If you would like to
support us financially you can click the link and it will give you 3 options to give a one time gift, monthly commitment, or a monthly automatic credit card deduction.
Want to see more pictures? click hereNEWELL'S ITINERATION SCHEDULEJune 2008
1 - am Lighthouse- Peoria, AZ
8 - am Springerville, AZ
15 - am Whiteriver, AZ
(6-15 will stay at parents cabin in Showlow)
22- OPEN
29 - am Christ’s church, Phoenix, AZ
July 2008
2-11 School of Missions- Springfield, MO – fly in & out of Kansas City
12-13 - 10:30- Payson First A/G, AZ
19-20 - 10am Winona Community church, Flagstaff, AZ
29- Family camp - Prescott, AZ
August 2008
3 -am- Benson-First A/G
9-10 - Radiant- Surprise, AZ
16-17 Northland Christian- Flagstaff, AZ
19-25 Danville, VA- family reunion 25-31 Holden beach-North Carolina church
September 2008
1-6 Washington DC/Maryland
9th reurn to AZ
PM – Canyon Day A/G- AZ
21 AM - OPEN
PM – Glendale Harvest church, AZ
22 - Arizona Indian College
25-27 - Men's Confrence - Prescott, AZ
28 - am - Buckeye- Summit of Hope, AZ
October 2008
4-5 - am Ajo First A/G, AZ
12 Tucson- Flowing Wells- AZ
19 - am Buckeye First A/G, AZ
20 fly to Des Moines, Iowa 20-26 First Assembly- Des Moines Missions convention 27-31 Kenosha, Wisconsin
November 2008
1 JOSIAH’S Birthday
2 -am Kenosha First A/G, WI 3 Fly to Tucson, AZ
9 -am Wickenburg, AZ
16- am Tucson Glad Tidings, AZ
19 -Mesa First Assembly, AZ
30 - am Rock Church - Scottsdale, AZ
December 2008
7- am Buckeye First Assembly, AZ
January 2009
11 am-Casa Grand First Assembly, AZ
Febuary 2009
1 Cottonwood First Assembly, AZ
Available dates
July 27
September 7, 14, 21
November 23
Most Sunday evenings and during the week.