Monday, January 6, 2014

Sittin' by the pond.

 Creating A Community of Christ Followers
Above: Day Hikes have been a popular outing. We’ve had Buddhists, Atheists, and Agnostics join us for some great introductions to Christ and His followers.

Below: Meeting new students through campus outreach. Above: Our annual Pumpkin carving/painting attracts many new students.

Celebrating the end of the semester with our XA Christmas party.

Year off to a great start     
      From a student being baptized in the Holy Spirit, and significant growth in Spiritual maturity and students joining the fellowship, our third year at Carolina is off to a great start.
      In the upcoming semester we’ll be adding new leaders, sending students to Mali, and hosting international students on a week-long trip to Washington D.C.
Run! No, really.
The boys on the family land

Josiah and the Durham Eagles finished off their year with a bowl win over the Jets!

Enjoying being the young men they were made to be
The boys continue to grow faster than is acceptable. Elijah participated in his school’s Christmas play as a reindeer.  He’s very clever, always wanting to figure out how things are put together. His other love? Tackling his brother! Josiah had a blast playing linebacker for the Durham Eagles. He continues to thrive in sports and school (math). He also loves visiting his cousins in Virginia during breaks. He turned 10 this past November.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Upcoming Events
February 7-9
Winter Retreat
March 9-14 International Student Missions trip (Washington D.C.)
March 7-16 Mali Mission Trip
Our Ministry Needs      
       Thank you all for your partnership in reaching students. Together we are sowing into their eternities.
       As the ministry’s impact has grown, so too have our needs. Firstly, we ask for your prayers over the upcoming events (see right).           
       We also have a strong need for additional support on a monthly basis. At present we are in need of $700 per month in new financial giving. Accordingly, we are available for services, coffees and meals. Any opportunity to share what God is doing is appreciated.
       We pray you all have a fantastic new year filled with God’s intentions.