Serving with the Apache people
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Worshiping with the beautiful people of the White Mountain Apache Tribe![]()
What a joy it was to serve and celebrate God with the brothers and sisters of the White Mountain Apache tribe. Joe and his team traveled to Whiteriver, Arizona in June where they partnered with churches during the 76th annual Fort Apache Campmeeting.
During their week they helped renovate a church, held nightly youth services, and served the revival through various cleanup projects.
"I just walked away . . ."
This is a quote from a first year student we met earlier this year. Despite having a consistent church background and supportive family, she decided to “try everything she could,” even though she knew her actions contradicted her beliefs. Sadly, her story is not an unusual case. The Barna group and the Pew Research Foundation estimate that as many as 7 out of 10 young adults disconnect from church post-high school with only half returning later. You placing us in the path of these students at UNC has led to her renewing her faith, and beginning an in-depth discipling process through Chi Alpha.
At 23% the percentage of religiously non-affiliated adults (Nones) in America is greater than the percentages of Catholics (21%), and mainline Protestants (14.7%). It is also roughly equal to the number of Evangelicals (25%).
A generation reaching a generation
The 2015-17 Chi Alpha UNC Leadership Team
Josiah 12, Elijah 7
The boys started back to school July 18th—Josiah in the 7th grade & Elijah in the 2nd grade. Both have discovered a passion for baseball. It is our desire to take them on their first mission trip next June to South Africa.
Urgent Funding Needed
We have done our best over the last five years to be good stewards of the funds our ministry partners have entrusted to us. As a result, we have seen many lives changed and a growth in the overall ministry. However, due to many external factors we find ourselves in urgent need of an additional $700/ month in new financial partnership in order to remain on campus. 1) Is there anyone you know that you would recommend us and the ministry to? Would you connect us with them? 2) Would you consider increasing your giving? Any amount makes a difference.3) Would you pray with us for additional partners?
Ways to give: 1) Online at Simply click “Donate Now” and enter Joseph Newell in the search. 2) Checks can be made out to US Missions and mailed to 1445 N. Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802. Put account # 292733-3 on the memo line.